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Restaurante Quinta da Maresia (Vila de Maringá)

From the same owners of the Japanese Restaurant Warabi, the Portuguese Restaurant "Quinta da Maresia" is the newest gastronomic option in the city.
As the owners already brought the fish every week to the Japanese Restaurant Warabi, now also guarantee the weekly offer of cod, seafood, vôngole, crayfish, prawns, scallops, oysters and fresh fish from the Municipal Market of São Paulo.
The kitchen is fully open, in the middle of the lounge, where guests can accompany the cooking in the pots, learn the recipes and interfere with the dishes.

Est Maua Maromaba Km 6,5
Hotel Warabi /
(24) 3387-1143
Contact Restaurante Quinta da Maresia
  • Menu

    Fruto do mar, Bacalhau, Cataplanas, Risotos e muito mais

  • Type of Food


Restaurante Quinta da Maresia map

Contact Restaurante Quinta da Maresia

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