
Understand the Region

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Região de Visconde de Mauá – RVM

Estabelecimentos Associados

A MAUATUR® deu o primeiro passo para a implantação da ‘Marca RVM’, voltada para prestadores de serviços turísticos associados, nos setores de espaços para eventos, meios de hospedagem, meios de alimentação, serviços de camping, equipamentos e serviços de entretenimento, comércio turístico e empresas de veículos de uso turístico. Para identificar os contemplados com a ‘Marca RVM’, basta observar a presença do adesivo, abaixo, em local de destaque no estabelecimento (ao lado da porta de entrada ou em outro local de grande visibilidade). Você poderá também conhecer todos os estabelecimentos no Portal Eletrônico Oficial da Região, .


Visconde de Mauá

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Comprising portions of Rio de Janeiro State and Minas Gerais State, just as three Municipalities, Resende, Itatiaia and Bocaina de Minas, the region includes Pedra Selada (visible from Dutra) and Pico das Agulhas Negras (being part of Parque Nacional do Itatiaia). For location purposes, the region was divided in three Vilas (towns): Vila de Visconde de Mauá, Vila de Maringá and Vila de Maromba.

A Região tem em seus arredores um conjunto de Vales e Vilas que despertam sensações incomparáveis de paz e tranquilidade emolduradas pela grandeza da serra e do verde das matas. As vilas bucólicas, com suas praças, igrejas e casarios antigos são verdadeiros cenários da vida rural. E em cada canto de toda essa paisagem, cortada por rios cristalinos, encontram-se cachoeiras e quedas d'água de triar o folego.

Vila Visconde de Mauá

Visconde de maua

Located between territories of Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais States, Vila de Maringá is crossed by Rio Preto and is characterized by its sophistication and simplicity. This wonderful place has hotel, hostels, handcraft stores, bars and restaurants, besides the ‘Alameda Gastronômica Tia Sôfia’, a very interesting boulevard for those who appreciate a good glass of wine or a good cup of hot chocolate.

Vila de Maringá

Vila maringa

Located between territories of Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais States, Vila de Maringá is crossed by Rio Preto and is characterized by its sophistication and simplicity. This wonderful place has hotel, hostels, handcraft stores, bars and restaurants, besides the ‘Alameda Gastronômica Tia Sôfia’, a very interesting boulevard for those who appreciate a good glass of wine or a good cup of hot chocolate.

Vila de Maromba


This is a place where visitors will find some great waterfalls and a preserved hippie movement among the region, ever since the 70’s. There is also handcraft, good restaurants and hostels. When it is cold at night, the fire in the park is a good option for people to gather together, warm a little and chat.


A Região tem em seus arredores um conjunto de Vales e Vilas que despertam sensações incomparáveis de paz e tranquilidade emolduradas pela grandeza da serra e do verde das matas. As vilas bucólicas, com suas praças, igrejas e casarios antigos são verdadeiros cenários da vida rural. E em cada canto de toda essa paisagem, cortada por rios cristalinos, encontram-se cachoeiras e quedas d'água de triar o folego.


It was back in 1908 that the Núcleo Colonial Visconde de Mauá was created by Henrique Irineu de Souza, son to Irineu Evangelista de Souza, a Viscount who had received the land extensions of the region for himself in 1870, granted by the imperial government for wood exploration purposes. In 1916 the Núcleo was made public by the president of the republic Venceslau Brás, who would, later on, name the main city street as ‘Vila de Visconde de Mauá’.
The núcleo received numbers of immigrants coming from European countries such as Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Portugal, France, Spain, Poland, Hungary and Russia, all attracted by a new life’s dream and by the similarities between the Serra da Mantiqueira and the Alps in the Old Continent. Some families pioneered the creation of the first hostels.
In the 70’s, some Hippie Movement followers came, and made Visconde de Mauá their ‘alternative community’. Later, ever since the 80’s, Visconde de Mauá formally became a touristic region, enhancing its infrastructure and turning into one of the most visited sides in the State of Rio de Janeiro.


An ideal combination of mountain weather, a bunch of crystalline falls, warm hospitality and a calm atmosphere among the local villages is what makes Visconde de Mauá an irresistible travel destination. Such an ecological heritage inspired the name "jóia rara da Mantiqueira" or ‘Rare Jewel Of Mantiqueira’. Because the natural resources have been very responsibly and sustainably used, the forest of the ‘mata atlântica’ are preserved so they can grow day by day, thanks to the support from the touristic sector and the environmental organs.


Visit Nature

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These tours are sightseeing tips that can be done without the aid of guide, but you can find in the area companies that offer this service, as Remorini and T & T Adventures. And accompanied by guides Horseback riding Ecological Farm Aguas Claras and Hent the Horse.